Friends of the Drew Forest

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Deja Vu: We Need Your Help Wed., Nov. 8, 8pm in Morristown

Dear Forest Friends,

First of all, thank you! We had stellar commenters at the last Commissioner meeting and we effectively advocated for full funding of Madison’s request for $10 million grant to conserve the Forest. Among those who made the case: state Senator Anthony Bucco, Sally Rubin, director of Great Swamp Watershed Association, and of course the Drew student entourage.

A Guide to the Nov. 8 Morris County Commissioner Meeting

The Commissioners have two meetings on Nov. 8: a 5pm work session and a 7pm regular meeting. Here are your options to participate:

  1. Attend the 5pm work session (no public comments) to hear the Open Space Trust Fund Committee’s recommendation for funding including the dollar amount.

  2. Attend the 7pm regular meeting; we expect the public comment period to be around 8pm after a veteran’s ceremony. If you’re pressed for time, join us at 8pm for the comment period.

  3. Dinner? Yes! Join us at 6pm at Caffe India, 79 Washington, St., Morristown. We’ll enjoy a good dinner—and plan our comment strategy for the 7pm meeting.

  4. Submit a public comment via email with the subject line “Public Comment”’ to the Clerk of the Board, Debra Lynch at Emailed comments must be received at least eight (8) hours prior to the meeting.

When to expect a final decision? The Commissioners may vote on Forest funding at the Nov. 20 meeting or push it off until Dec. 6 or 20. Stay tuned!

RSVP here so that we can send updates regarding in-person and virtual attendance.


The Borough of Madison releases video on preserving the Drew Forest, originally produced for its application to the Morris County Open Space Trust Fund.

The Drew Forest Preserve, 51 intact acres with mature trees and glacial ponds on Drew University’s 163-acre campus, is an irreplaceable environmental resource because of its unique diversity and features. Watch as Mayor Robert H. Conley, Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill, Senator Anthony Bucco, and Friends of the Drew Forest explain the benefits of preserving and maintaining the Drew Forest, located in Madison, New Jersey. Watch the video here!

Upcoming Event

Fertile Soil: How a Forest Conservation Group Revealed Deep Community Roots.

November 6 at 7pm the Morristown & Morris Township Library

Join the League of Women Voters and Friends of the Drew Forest to discuss the power of grassroots advocacy at the local level.

Fall is a beautiful time to reconnect with nature and relax in the Drew Forest