Friends of the Drew Forest

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To Save the Forest, We Went to the Man in the Red Suit.

With Gratitude🌿

In 2022, Friends of the Drew Forest ensured that our mission was heard far and wide. We collected thousands of petition signatures at farmer’s markets and community events, distributed stickers and flyers at parades, put up hundreds of lawn signs, hosted informational events, and filed a “Friend of the Court” brief to give the forest a voice in a legal action brought by Drew University. And of course, spoke at every Borough Council meeting through November. We also launched our first fundraising campaign and thanks to you, we’re confident we’ll reach our goal!

In this season of giving, we extend our warmest wishes and gratitude to you for supporting our work in conserving the community gift we all share, the Drew Forest.

"And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul” - John Muir.

LETTER: Drew student critical of university's 'short-sighted' forest development plan

A strong, eloquent letter to the editor by Michael George, a senior at Drew, was published recently in the Madison Eagle. He writes that “The beauty and serenity of the forest is a major reason why many students and I decided to attend Drew”, and goes on to both criticize Drew’s current plan and outline his positive vision, explaining that “Instead of selling off a lush forest, Drew should capitalize on being a sustainability and environmental leader to bolster enrollment.”

All We Want for Christmas

The Friends made our second appearance at Madison’s annual holiday parade. This year we were warmly welcomed by the home-town crowd. Children rushed to get stickers and the crowd chanted “Drew Forest! Drew Forest!” all along the route.

FODF members visited Santa to let him know that all we want for Christmas is to Save the Drew Forest!

Even the Grinch Wants to Save the Drew Forest (here with FODF member Kate Bartley).

Nature-Themed Gift Guide for Forest Lovers

Some books we love for your loved ones - click on the title to learn more!

From the Nature of Reading Bookshop: Forest Reading List

From renowned ecologist and writer Doug: Tallamy’s Hub

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