Friends of the Drew Forest

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Toads a-Mating, Events to Attend, Help Needed

The Old-Growth Forest Network Supports the Drew Forest

Joan Maloof, revered author and founder of the Old-Growth Forest Network, has added her voice to the local, state and national groups that support preserving the Drew Forest. Watch her video message and join us at the launch of her latest book, Nature’s Temples: The Complex World of Old Growth Forests (see below).

Join Us at Joan’s Book Signing: May 22, 6pm

Meet Joan (and your FODF friends) a virtual/in-person talk celebrating Nature’s Temples: The Complex World of Old Growth Forests. It’s at the Princeton Public Library, 6:00 - 7:15pm. And we’re a co-sponsor!

The book makes a powerful case for protecting old forests, as well as for letting younger forests grow old. It packs lots of scientific information into an easy, fun read (as do her other books). A top pick on our Forest reading list.

It’s Toad Time in the Drew Forest!

Don’t miss the high-pitched chorus of male American Toads emanating from the two ponds in the Drew Forest. The sound is extraordinary—the Forest’s toad population is one of the largest in the region. Naturalist, environmental consultant and photographer Blaine Rothauser knew what the trilling portended, so late one May night, he brought his camera equipment, ventured into the dark forest and sat beside Long Pond.  We are so glad he did!  He captured Forest’s mating toads, including the pair shown here.

Photo Op at Town Council, May 22, 8-8:45pm

Also on Monday, the Borough Council has an important Forest vote: a resolution to apply for a $10 million grant from Morris County Open Space to purchase the Drew Forest. Join the Forest Tee Brigade (shown at the Morristown Court House last summer) for yet another fabulous photo op. RSVP.

Earthsongs + the Forest, June 3 & 4

Join us for Earthsongs, a Harmonium Society concert that will feature images of the Drew Forest during the performance of a choral composition called Peace of the Wild Things. We’ll be tabling during both performances, Saturday, June 3 at 7:30pm and Sunday, June 4 at 3pm at Morristown United Methodist Church. Volunteers welcome!

Volunteer, say hello, ask questions: Contact Us

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