8 Things That Happened Since May - Thanks to A Strong Community

Amazing volunteers like you are helping to make saving the Drew Forest possible. Here are a few of the things we’ve accomplished since May:

  1. Designed a logo and website. Got tech skills? We still need help.

  2. Created a petition with over 10,700 signatures. The town council is watching. This is a critical tool, so keep sharing with your networks.

  3. Went big on social media. Are you following us on Instagram, FB and LinkedIn?

  4. Tabled at the Farmer’s Market. Right now, we’re braving the cold at the Rotary Christmas Tree sale. Want to take a shift?

  5. Commented at council meetingsRemarks from residents and Drew alums drove the news cycle. Can you help?

  6. Aired opinions--lots of themOur latest op-ed was published in NJ’s largest newspaper, the Star Ledger.

  7. Designed a float. The Madison Christmas Parade was mobbed--we handed out 500 petition flyers in a heartbeat.

  8. Created a newsletter! Can you share this with your friends so we can spread the word about why trees (and forests) matter?

Recommendations for nature lovers alike.

Friends of the Drew Forest Float at the Madison Christmas Parade.

Got ideas? Want to help?

Saving a forest takes all of us. Write to judykroll@aol.com to volunteer.

Friends of the Drew Forest

The Friends of the Drew Forest is a volunteer organization dedicated to protect and sustain the Drew Forest Preserve, 53 biodiverse acres that provide countless benefits to Drew University, Madison Borough and surrounding communities along with critical wildlife habit.


Drew Forest advocates carol for conservation at Madison meeting


To grandmother’s house we go | Opinion