
Prominent Ecologist Calls for Preserving the Drew Forest

Dr. Douglas Tallamy, entomologist, wildlife ecologist, best-selling author of Nature’s Best Hope, and co-founder of the Homegrown National Park Movement, has released a special video that lauds the Drew Forest for its biodiversity and as “an urban forest of exceptional value.” He says, “It’s extremely important, that all parties come together to preserve the Drew Forest.”

Take a walk with Dr. Sara Webb, Drew Professor emerita, and learn why the Forest is a biodiversity oasis.

Videographer Paul Morgan used a drone to show what the Drew Forest looks like from a bird's perspective.

A Bird’s Eye View

Wildlife in the Forest

The Legacy of Drew Forest by Bill Lynch, an independent filmmaker from Florham Park.

The Legacy of the Drew Forest

A Forest Ecologist’s Perspective

In this video, Dr. Webb talks about the ravages of deer and invasive species, which result in the "empty forest syndrome" common to New Jersey forests.

A Holiday Song to Save the Forest

The Forest is a living classroom for Drew students who share their campus with native wildlife like red foxes. This footage was provided to us by Drew student Jackie Melone, who is studying conservation biology and fox populations in the Forest!

Joan Maloof: One of Our

Heroines Speaks Out

Joan is the founder of the Old-Growth Forest Network and author of some of our favorite books, including Teaching the Trees and Nature’s Temples. Her beautifully crafted prose makes nature accessible, as does her underlying determination to save it.

Someone can decide in a minute to cut old trees and a crew can complete the job in a few weeks. Sorry, but I’m not going to quit stirring up trouble,” she writes in Teaching the Trees..

Needless to say we were thrilled when Joan made this video statement calling for the preservation of the Drew Forest.

The Drew Forest, with its glacial topography and old trees, plays a critical role in flood mitigation and aquifer recharge for the Buried Valley Aquifer, which supplies drinking water for many North Jersey communities. Learn more about aquifer recharge in the Forest.

Flood Mitigation and the Forest

Public funding is available to support a Forest purchase — but how does it work? Lydia Chambers, co-chair of Friends of the Drew Forest, explains the process at a community meeting in Madison, NJ. Read our FAQ for more information.

Conservation Sale 101

Voices for the Forest

A tribute to Winter Wonderland, written by Christine Hepburn for Friends of the Drew Forest. It was performed at the Madison Borough council meeting, with guitar by David Thomson, a Drew University grad, on January 6, 2023.

Yard Sign Mania on Glenwild Road

Yard signs took off—across Morris County and most fervently on ever driveway on Glenwild Rd. After so many years, they’re a memory. We love this one.

“The Peace of Wild Things

Photos from the Forest illustrate The Peace of Wild Things, a poem by Wendell Berry that was set to music by composer Michael Conley. The Harmonium Coral Society, under the direction of Dr. Anne J. Matlack, performed this powerful piece as part of its Earthlings concert in June, 2023.

Hear more about what makes the Drew Forest so special from former students and nearby residents.