Local Residents Asked To Sign Petition to Help Preserve Drew University Forest

By TAPinto Staff for TAPintoMorristown

Over 5,000 people have signed the petition to save the Drew Forest Preserve. Organizers are still looking for residents to sign the petition to save the 53 acres of forest in Madison.

"The 53 acres of rare contiguous forest in Madison, New Jersey - has been a treasure for Drew University students and for many others in the surrounding area. Thanks to a 12-year effort by Drew and partner organizations, it has become a biodiversity hotspot and inspiring example of woodland habitat restoration", wrote Friends of the Drew Forest who is organizing the petition.  

According to the petition, Drew University may look to sell some of the preserve for development.

Friends of The Drew Forest is a group of local citizens who are working to preserve the Drew Forest. 

"As articulated in Borough of Madison Drew Forest Resolution 156-2021 .  We ask that you join us to help permanently protect the entire Forest Preserve and the countless benefits it provides and at the same time help Drew, known as the University in the Forest, continue its educational mission for years to come", wrote organizers.  "This can be done with a combination of municipal, county and state open space funds, corporate or not-for-profit grants and donations".

The Friends of Drew Forest believe if the land was sold for development, publicly accessible natural areas, canopy trees that moderate climate change as well as habitats for birds and other wildlife will be lost or decreased.

"Please sign our petition and share it with your friends and neighbors. We are NOT asking you to "Chip In" to Change.org! We hope that people who live in or near Madison, who are students, employees or alumnae of Drew, or who simply care about a better environment for people and wildlife, will join us", they wrote.

To sign the petition, click HERE

Friends of the Drew Forest

The Friends of the Drew Forest is a volunteer organization dedicated to protect and sustain the Drew Forest Preserve, 53 biodiverse acres that provide countless benefits to Drew University, Madison Borough and surrounding communities along with critical wildlife habit.


COMMENTARY: Drew preserve a living laboratory worth protecting


Many in Madison back preservation of Drew Woods