Drew students, Drew Forest advocates push for land sale grant as county vote approaches
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Drew students, Drew Forest advocates push for land sale grant as county vote approaches

"I'm here to represent the voice of the College of Liberal Arts at Drew. There are lots of Drew students here, from freshmen to seniors, saying that we're here in support of the grant for preserving the forest that we way it is," she said. "We, the student body, we want to have our voices heard." - Drew student, Luiza Vaskys Lima

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Florham Park filmmaker produces video urging preservation of Drew Forest in Madison
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Florham Park filmmaker produces video urging preservation of Drew Forest in Madison

By Alex Parker-Magyar for New Jersey Hills

“A Florham Park man has created a short film documenting the beauty of the Drew University Forest Preserve in Madison – and the destruction he says will follow should the university decide to execute a plan to sell parts of the forest to a housing developer.

The university is considering having parts of the forest rezoned for housing and sold to a builder to help mitigate its ongoing financial troubles. The plan has drawn widespread opposition from students, alumni and area residents, whose Save the Drew Forest advocacy campaign recently drew the curiosity of Florham Park resident Bill Lynch.”

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Schiff board urges preservation of Drew Forest in Madison
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Schiff board urges preservation of Drew Forest in Madison

By Alex Parker-Magyar for New Jersey Hills Media Group

“Another environmental group has thrown its support behind the Save the Drew Forest campaign.

The Schiff Natural Land Trust, steward of the 780-acre Schiff Nature Preserve in the Mendhams, has become the latest group to urge the preservation of the threatened forest preserve on the Drew University campus.”

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Morris Township joins area towns urging preservation of Drew Forest
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Morris Township joins area towns urging preservation of Drew Forest

By Kevin Coughlin for Morristown Green

“Jim Hunt, an alumnus with Drew roots dating to 1964, said the Drew Forest is a legacy he wishes to leave for his grandchildren.

‘Every time we chip away with development at the recharge of the aquifer, in effect, we’re beginning to steal from the future,’ Hunt said.

Beseeching Morris County and the state to join the preservation effort, Mayor Mark Gyorfy also implored Drew ‘to give conservation a chance.’”

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Morris Township set to back preservation of Drew Forest in Madison
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Morris Township set to back preservation of Drew Forest in Madison

By the Madison Eagle

“The Morris Township Committee is expected to pass a resolution at its next meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 16, supporting the preservation of the 53-acre Drew Forest.

The township would become the fourth in a string of municipalities to do so for the forest located on the campus of Drew University, joining the likes of Madison, Chatham Township and Chatham Borough in the fight.”

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Students Plead Community to Save the Forest
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Students Plead Community to Save the Forest

By Angelia Lobifaro for the Drew Acorn

Drew University students have been busy organizing urging Drew University President Thomas Schwartz to dispel the uncertainty regarding the potential sale of the Drew Forest and the university’s financial future. A student petition is circulating on campus, and Student Government has passed a resolution in support of a conservation sale to permanently protect the forest.

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Drew University student government calls for transparency on potential forest sale
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Drew University student government calls for transparency on potential forest sale

By Alex Parker-Magyar for Madison Eagle

“The undergraduate student government at Drew University is looking for answers from the school’s president on the potential sale and development of a portion of the Drew Forest preserve.

The elected body representing Drew’s College of Liberal Arts made several ‘demands’ of President Thomas Schwarz in a resolution dated Wednesday, Feb. 23, stating that unclear communications from the university ‘have caused confusion, and the transparency of decisions made in regards to the sale of the Drew Forest and the impacts therefore mentioned will directly affect the Drew community.’”

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The Chathams back preservation of Drew Forest
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

The Chathams back preservation of Drew Forest

By Claudia Ceva for New Jersey Hills

“Jim Connelly of Mountain Avenue said Drew Forest is a “gem of a property that needs to be secured as open space” in a written comment read by Township Clerk Greg LaConte.

Connelly said though the property is in Madison, it borders the township and any development there would have a negative impact on the area. “It would be preferential to maintain Drew Forest as the high-quality open space it is,” he said.”

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Chatham Borough is latest town to support Drew Forest preservation in Madison
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Chatham Borough is latest town to support Drew Forest preservation in Madison

“Following in Madison and Chatham Township's footsteps, Chatham Borough has become the latest town to state its support for the effort to save Drew University Forest Preserve from development.

The Chatham Borough Council unanimously passed a resolution to this effect at a meeting on Monday, Feb. 14, six days after the Township Committee did the same.”

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