Morris Township joins area towns urging preservation of Drew Forest
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Morris Township joins area towns urging preservation of Drew Forest

By Kevin Coughlin for Morristown Green

“Jim Hunt, an alumnus with Drew roots dating to 1964, said the Drew Forest is a legacy he wishes to leave for his grandchildren.

‘Every time we chip away with development at the recharge of the aquifer, in effect, we’re beginning to steal from the future,’ Hunt said.

Beseeching Morris County and the state to join the preservation effort, Mayor Mark Gyorfy also implored Drew ‘to give conservation a chance.’”

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Morris Township set to back preservation of Drew Forest in Madison
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Morris Township set to back preservation of Drew Forest in Madison

By the Madison Eagle

“The Morris Township Committee is expected to pass a resolution at its next meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 16, supporting the preservation of the 53-acre Drew Forest.

The township would become the fourth in a string of municipalities to do so for the forest located on the campus of Drew University, joining the likes of Madison, Chatham Township and Chatham Borough in the fight.”

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