Drew students, Drew Forest advocates push for land sale grant as county vote approaches
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Drew students, Drew Forest advocates push for land sale grant as county vote approaches

"I'm here to represent the voice of the College of Liberal Arts at Drew. There are lots of Drew students here, from freshmen to seniors, saying that we're here in support of the grant for preserving the forest that we way it is," she said. "We, the student body, we want to have our voices heard." - Drew student, Luiza Vaskys Lima

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LETTER: Drew student critical of university's 'short-sighted' forest development plan
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

LETTER: Drew student critical of university's 'short-sighted' forest development plan

Michael George (C’23) | Madison Eagle

“I can imagine students learning about how we solved our financial problems by celebrating and making our beautiful campus even more of a biodiversity hot-spot, as well as becoming a national leader on how to promote biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Drew must continue to have the pride of promoting itself as the “University in the Forest.”

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LETTER: Does Drew really want to become the school that chopped down its forest?
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

LETTER: Does Drew really want to become the school that chopped down its forest?

Alexandra Kiely (C’ 2012) | Madison Eagle

“I am deeply concerned about what the future will hold for Drew if it goes through with this monumentally shortsighted decision. Condemning the forest will define Drew’s reputation for all time, but I don’t think the school has really considered the fallout. The overwhelming majority of colleges and universities across the country are environmentally focused and becoming more so all the time.”

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Students Plead Community to Save the Forest
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Students Plead Community to Save the Forest

By Angelia Lobifaro for the Drew Acorn

Drew University students have been busy organizing urging Drew University President Thomas Schwartz to dispel the uncertainty regarding the potential sale of the Drew Forest and the university’s financial future. A student petition is circulating on campus, and Student Government has passed a resolution in support of a conservation sale to permanently protect the forest.

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Drew University student government calls for transparency on potential forest sale
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Drew University student government calls for transparency on potential forest sale

By Alex Parker-Magyar for Madison Eagle

“The undergraduate student government at Drew University is looking for answers from the school’s president on the potential sale and development of a portion of the Drew Forest preserve.

The elected body representing Drew’s College of Liberal Arts made several ‘demands’ of President Thomas Schwarz in a resolution dated Wednesday, Feb. 23, stating that unclear communications from the university ‘have caused confusion, and the transparency of decisions made in regards to the sale of the Drew Forest and the impacts therefore mentioned will directly affect the Drew community.’”

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Build elsewhere. Save Drew Forest. | Opinion
In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest In the Media Friends of the Drew Forest

Build elsewhere. Save Drew Forest. | Opinion

By Addison Del Mastro, Drew Alumni, for NJ.com

“I write professionally about places I live and visit, but I’ve never written about my college town of Madison, where I attended Drew University. But recently a college acquaintance posted a Change.org petition on social media, titled Save the Drew Forest Preserve, which as of this writing has over 10,000 signatures. Drew, an institution long-struggling financially, is reportedly considering selling some of the preserve for development.”

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