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Madison One Step Closer to Receiving Federal Funding to Preserve the Drew Forest
With the recent passing of the House Appropriations Legislation, we are one step closer to receiving $4,116,279.00 in federal grant funding through Community Project Funding thanks to the joint efforts of Congresswoman Sherrill and Senator Booker.

Rare owl spotted in Drew Forest
The barred owl, a threatened species in New Jersey ecosystems, was recently photographed by Drew University senior Daniel Magda in the university woods.

Sing along: our best wishes for a very happy Forest holiday!
Over the River and Through the Woods - All for the Forest We Need to Save
County approves $5M grant to preserve Drew University forest. But will school agree?
The Morris County Commissioners on Monday approved a $5 million grant recommendation by the county Open Space Trust Fund Committee to help fund a purchase of Drew Forest in Madison.

Morris commissioners give Madison $5M for Drew Forest, and get funding recommendations for trails in Morristown, Madison
Like the song says, you can’t always get what you want. But did Madison get what it needs from the Morris County Commissioners on Monday?

County Commissioners grant Madison $5 million for Drew Forest preservation
The Morris County Board of County Commissioners voted Monday to grant Madison $5 million toward a potential future acquisition of the Drew Forest - a significant amount yet half of what the borough had been asking for.

Morris County urged to double $5M grant to save Drew University forest from development
The Morris County Commissioners heard passionate pleas at their meeting Wednesday night to approve a $5 million grant to help protect 51 acres of woodlands on the Drew University campus. But, they were told, the funding needs to be doubled if preservationists are to have a shot at saving Drew Forest.
Morris panel recommends $5M for Drew Forest, but activists tell commissioners that’s not enough
Half a loaf is not better than none. Not when a 53-acre forest is at stake.

Drew Forest advocates push for 'full' county funding as committee recommends $5 million grant
Madison is poised to receive a substantial Morris County grant award to help purhase the threatened Drew Forest preserve from Drew University, but advocates say a larger sum would push the deal across the finish line.

Drew Forest supporters pack meeting, urge county to support $10M preservation plan
Speakers at Thursday's meeting included Parsippany resident Ken Dolsky, a well-known environmental advocate and vice president of the New Jersey Forest Watch. Drew Forest, he said, was a habitat for many species "under the threat of extinction."

Drew students, Drew Forest advocates push for land sale grant as county vote approaches
"I'm here to represent the voice of the College of Liberal Arts at Drew. There are lots of Drew students here, from freshmen to seniors, saying that we're here in support of the grant for preserving the forest that we way it is," she said. "We, the student body, we want to have our voices heard." - Drew student, Luiza Vaskys Lima

Madison to consider 'soft billing' for ambulance rides; hears from Drew University president at council meeting
“The support that exists for the forest could put you on the map both with donors and prospective students. You’re ‘The University in the Forest.’ Own it.” - Claire Whitcomb

Friends of Drew Forest stump for land sale grant at county meeting
MADISON - Members of the Friends of the Drew Forest advocacy group packed a Morris County Open Space Trust Fund Committee meeting to show their support for the preservation of the threatened forest preserve at Drew University on Wednesday, Sept. 6.

Keeping up the good fight: Ed Lloyd remembered as Drew Forest advocate in Madison
“Environmental legend Ed Lloyd, who passed away on Aug. 5, has been lauded as a “crusading public interest lawyer” by Columbia Law School, “dedicated champion of climate action” by Gov. Phil Murphy and "open space protector" by the Pinelands Commission.
But right here in Madison, Lloyd was known for ‘keeping up the good fight.’”

Madison applies for Drew Forest purchase grant funding, calls on university to cooperate
By Graciella Dressler | Madison Eagle
“The borough has submitted its application to the Morris County Open Space Fund for $10 million in grant funding to contribute to a purchase of the Drew Forest from Drew University.
Mayor Robert Conley and Madison community members hoping to preserve the forest from development continued to implore the university to come forward and partner in the effort at a Monday, June 12 Borough Council meeting. The university has sought to have much of the forest rezoned for multi-family housing and sold to a developer to mitigate its financial troubles.”

Harmonium sings for the mother ship, in Morristown
By Marion Filler | Morristown Green
“Planet earth was a star this weekend.
The Harmonium Choral Society called its stellar show Earthsongs, and the sanctuary at the Morristown United Methodist Church provided the perfect space and acoustics for a hundred singers to raise their voices with a message:
The earth is in trouble and we need to fix it.”

Madison has an offer on the table to buy the Drew Forest. Now it needs to find the money
By William Westhoven | Daily Record
“Madison has taken another step in its efforts to acquire 53 acres of woodlands from Drew University and prevent development on the environmentally sensitive site.“

Madison votes to apply for county grant funding to acquire, preserve Drew Forest
An overflow crowd turned out Monday evening to support a Borough Council vote to apply for Morris County grant funding to acquire the Drew Forest and preserve it into the future.

Sherrill to seek $5M in federal funding for Drew Forest preservation in Madison
MADISON - Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-11, has submitted a Community Project Funding (CPF) request of $5 million to the House Appropriations Committee to support the preservation of the Drew University Forest Preserve.
Sherrill submitted the request along with 14 other CPF requests for the 11th Congressional District for Fiscal Year 2024, according to a Monday, April 17 statement from the congresswoman’s office. The requests may be included in the text of the 2024 appropriations bill and marked up by the House Appropriations Committee later this year.

Madison meeting with conservation group to build Drew Forest funding application
By Alex Parker-Magyar | Madison Eagle
“Borough officials are meeting with a major land conservation agency as they seek funding help to preserve the threatened Drew University Forest Preserve.”