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Environment New Jersey : Letter in support of conserving the Drew Forest
Environment New Jersey: “On behalf of four local, regional and state environmental organizations, and our hundreds of thousands of citizen members and activists, we wish to issue our vociferous support for the full conservation of the entire 53 acres of the Drew University Forest. There are many land-use battles across the state, some that are waged with scant environmental evidence. This is not one of them, and the double whammy precedent of the potential development of such a unique ecosystem that the Drew University Forest represents along with the actions by the University hoping to cash out one of its most treasured places compel us to action.”
NY/NJ Baykeeper Supports Saving the Drew Forest!
NY/NJ Baykeeper has written a letter of support to save the Drew Forest!
The Watershed Institute Supports Saving the Drew Forest!
The Watershed Institute has written a letter of support to save the Drew Forest!
Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions Supports Saving the Drew Forest!
The Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions, a statewide organization that provides leadership, education, and support for strong state and environmental policy, has written a letter of support to save the Drew Forest!
New Jersey Highlands Coalition Supports Saving the Drew Forest!
New Jersey Highlands Coalition has written a letter of support of saving the Drew Forest!
Raritan Headwater Association Supports Saving the Drew Forest!
Raritan Headwaters has written a letter of support to save the Drew Forest!
LETTER: Drew University must listen to students on forest issue
“The importance of the forest is more than just what it can offer financially and the ways in which the president and the Drew administration have handled this process have not been transparent.” - Rachel Papa, Drew University CLA ‘22
Madison Mayor addresses Drew lawsuit at meeting; environmental groups call for forest preservation
By Alex Parker-Magyar
Managing Editor, Madison Eagle
“Mayor Robert Conley took issue with several positions expressed in Drew University's lawsuit against the town at a Borough Council meeting Monday, but said Madison is committed to its relationship with the university.”
Passaic River Coalition Supports Saving the Drew Forest!
Passaic River Coalition, an urban watershed association active since 1969 in protecting water quality and quantity of the entire Passaic River watershed, has passed a resolution in support of saving the Drew Forest!
NORTH JERSEY GREEN: Drinking water, forests and answers beneath your feet
By Claire Whitcomb for Madison Eagle
“The Drew Forest’s importance to the aquifer is one reason why six towns have passed resolutions supporting a market-value conservation sale that would preserve the Forest for public and educational use. The towns are Madison, Chatham Borough, Chatham Township, Parsippany, Morris Township and Morristown.”
GSWA Joins Effort to Preserve Drew Forest: Board of Trustees Sign Resolution of Support
“Great Swamp Watershed Association is proud to support this important preservation initiative,” stated Sally Rubin, GSWA Executive Director. “The Drew Forest is an invaluable natural resource that will be lost forever if the Borough is ordered by the court to allow construction and the land is fragmented by development.”
Madison Republican candidates weigh in on Drew University lawsuit, effort to save forest
“Conversing with voters at the Madison Farmers Market on June 30, Lenora Clark and Matt Van Natten, Republican candidates for Borough Council, heard residents’ concerns over the recent legal motion filed by Drew University.
Clark and Van Natten have been vocal supporters of the local efforts to preserve the Drew Forest as Drew seeks to sell some of its vacant land assets, according to a July 6 statement from the Madison Republican Committee.”
Great Swamp Watershed Association Joins Effort to Preserve Drew Forest
“The Great Swamp Watershed Association (GSWA) has become the latest organization to officially join in the efforts to save the Drew Forest from development.
Located on the Drew University campus in Madison, Drew Forest is a 53-acre undeveloped, biodiverse preserve that is home to glacial ponds and some of the oldest trees in Morris County. The forest has been called a living classroom for teaching and research for Drew University students and the wider community.”
Whitcomb, Environmental Heads Encourage Brainstorming At Drew Forest Event
By Tyler Barth for TAPintoMadison
“About 75 residents, including former Councilwoman Astri Baillie, attended the event, where they learned from the Friends of the Drew Forest and Claire Whitcomb of the [Madison] Environmental Commission about what the Forest provides for the region and how the fight to save it is going.”
Great Swamp Watershed Association Supports Saving the Drew Forest
The Great Swamp Watershed Association, an environmental nonprofit dedicated to protecting and improving the health of the Passaic River through science, education, land preservation and stewardship, and advocacy, has passed a resolution in support of saving the Drew Forest!
Native Plant Society of New Jersey Supports Saving the Drew Forest
The Native Plant Society of New Jersey, a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to the appreciation, protection, and study of New Jersey’s native flora, has issued a resolution in support of saving the Drew Forest!
Florham Park filmmaker produces video urging preservation of Drew Forest in Madison
By Alex Parker-Magyar for New Jersey Hills
“A Florham Park man has created a short film documenting the beauty of the Drew University Forest Preserve in Madison – and the destruction he says will follow should the university decide to execute a plan to sell parts of the forest to a housing developer.
The university is considering having parts of the forest rezoned for housing and sold to a builder to help mitigate its ongoing financial troubles. The plan has drawn widespread opposition from students, alumni and area residents, whose Save the Drew Forest advocacy campaign recently drew the curiosity of Florham Park resident Bill Lynch.”
6/4 - Coffee With Friends at Sunday Motor Co.
Meet the Friends of the Drew Forest and have a cup of coffee! We will be hanging out at Sunday Motor Co. from 10 am to 2 pm on June 4, 2022 to talk about the Forest. Hope to see you there!
Ridge and Valley Conservancy Supports Saving the Drew Forest!
Ridge and Valley Conservancy has written a letter in support of saving the Drew Forest!