It's a Nail Biter: Join us on Mon., Nov. 20, 7pm in Morristown

Dear Forest Friends,

Well, we’re going to pack the Nov. 20 Commissioner meeting—because we want full funding for the Forest. But first—thank you! At the last meeting there were 55 of us, including a cadre of Drew students (below), two Brownie Scouts with their troop leaders, Assemblywoman Aura Dunn and Senator Anthony Bucco.


On Nov. 8, the Open Space Trust Fund Committee recommended half of Madison’s $10 million request. Why? The news reports below tell the story. The good news: The Commissioners have the final say—so we’re showing up.

If you’d like to tell the commissioners to support full funding, please email one or more individually.


We’ve been getting great coverage—read all about it with these links:

Morristown Green: “Half a loaf is not better than none. Not when a 53-acre forest is at stake. That was the message Wednesday from supporters of the Drew Forest.”

Daily Record: “The Morris County Commissioners heard passionate pleas at their meeting Wednesday night to approve a $5 million grant to help protect 51 acres of woodlands on the Drew University campus. But, they were told, the funding needs to be doubled if preservationists are to have a shot at saving Drew Forest.”

Madison Eagle: "Negotiations with Drew and Madison are ongoing. Projects of this magnitude typically come to the committee with a signed contract or a multitude of funding partners already in place. This application has not met some of those benchmarks," [Jay] Thomson [Chair of the Open Space Trust Fund Committee] told the commissioners at a work session meeting early Wednesday evening in Morristown.”


Join us on Friday, Nov. 24 at approximately 5pm! You’ll get to carry one of our eye-catching yard signs and wave to a crowd that loves the Drew Forest. Kids and relatives are welcome. Let us know you’re coming and we’ll send you the meetup details!

PS: This is our third parade and we can’t resist sharing the amazing float that Tom Salaki designed (and attached to his car) in 2021.

Friends of the Drew Forest

The Friends of the Drew Forest is a volunteer organization dedicated to protect and sustain the Drew Forest Preserve, 53 biodiverse acres that provide countless benefits to Drew University, Madison Borough and surrounding communities along with critical wildlife habit.

County Commissioners grant Madison $5 million for Drew Forest preservation


Morris County urged to double $5M grant to save Drew University forest from development